BackOffice GYMLoop

Project Overview: GymLoop is a Sass for the management of differents gyms and tracking fitness activity. Project preview


  1. Develop a user-friendly mobile web app for the management of the members
  2. Introduce new features to easy manage fitness routines
  3. Enhance loading performance and time response


  1. Responsive mobile / tablet design:
  • Major changes the design in Angular for giving support to these devices
  • Refactoring the data tables to new feautures with Angular Material Cards
  • Using a better approach to optimaze the design for users. responsive mobile
  1. Feauture for member routines:
  • Fix bugs related to adding execersise to the routine
  • Doing a workaround combining the Angular Material Tabs and Angular Drag & Drop into a new functional component
  • New feautures:
    • Duplicate the routine for other member
    • Copy Exercise in a new day
    • Deleting the Excercises from a day Fitness BackOffice
  1. Enhance loading performance and time response:
  • There was a problem with the loading time of the main page, due to list of members that loads entirely
  • Optimize the performance with a feature of CDK Virtual scrolling
  • Reducing the loading time in a 87%

Technology Stack

  • Frontend: Angular v17
  • Database: MySQL


Through this project, I learned how to significantly understand the requirements of our customers. I developed skills in operational efficiency by automating routine inquiries. I develop feautures which requires thinking outside the box and handle the issues in a very practical way.